We had a so so Halloween. The parties started three weeks ago....
We've swung from 45 degrees to 85 degrees in the meantime, adding turtlenecks or sandals to the fairy princess ensembles as we went. I tried to remove the blood from pink polyester satin with no success. And apparently a diet of laffy taffy does not a healthy family make.
By the time Halloween night actually arrived, the girls were pooped. We trick or treated at LuLu and GrandDaddy's house. Then the train came off the tracks. Katie barfed cheese quesadilla into my hand at the restaurant. The sweet girl was determined to boot and rally and proposed two "practice" houses. After the first two, she said, "Mama, I didn't throw up at either of my practice houses! Can we keep going?"
Anna refused all attempts at costuming. She was instead outfitted in pink rain boots, orange tights and Katie's blue dress that was in the trunk in her ballet bag. Otherwise she would have been pantless. Anna and I missed Halloween last year because she was sick and so we marched on, determined to wring fun from this misbegotten concept of sugar thievery. And now we are paying for it.
Illness has befallen the Brown house. Nothing too serious, but home from school yesterday and today. Hoping that we can knock out the cough at our doctor's appointment today. And then perhaps an infusion of holiday cheer for mama. Is there an Ebeneezer Scrooge of Halloween? Ichabod Crane perhaps? I feel like chopping off my head right about now.
Anyway, this is a long way of explaining why there are no festive pictures of my children looking adorable. My sweet friends have posted some on facebook from the FIVE halloween themed parties and two church festivals that we've slogged through in the last 21 days. But the only one I have is this - which pretty much sums it up for me.