Katie and Anna have been asking for a week to go see Sue Sue and Pop Pop to play in the snow. It is hard to explain treacherous roads, impassable highways and canceled flights when there are snowmen to be made and frozen ponds to skate on. (The latter will NEVER happen, but Katie is convinced of her nascent skating abilities and the pond is the obvious place to start her career.)
Today, miracle of miracles, snow fell on Alabama. Enough snow. A nice wet packable, scoopable snow. It was fabulous. Boots, hats, mittens, snowballs, snowslides, hot cocoa, fresh-baked cookies, a fire in the fireplace and when it got too dark to play outside, Katie built a "snow fort" in our room, with cut paper snowflakes hung from the ceiling.
Good day. Loved having all four of us together. Something about the phrase SNOW DAY is magic.