Sunday, September 13, 2009

deep thoughts...

In cleaning up tonight I found a sterling earring that has been missing for months and a crusty plastic pacifier (the only style Anna will accept, quiets her instantly, and is sold only in Bethesda) - guess which find thrilled me more. . .

Spilt milk is DEFINITELY worth crying over. . .

When Anna runs in saying "LOOK LOOK" it is usually a bad thing. . .

If Katie asks one more time how the lizard got into the bathtub I am going to scream, because I refuse to contemplate the answer. . .

I knew that Anna's habit of bellyflopping onto the dog bed would end in tears one day. Somehow, I didn't foresee the large hematoma though.
My bad. . .

Though Daddy/Daughter time is wonderful, I could have done without the lesson on dove taxidermy from my four year old. "First you pull the skin off the bird. . . "

I know I have done my job as a mother when we pull into the church parking lot and Katie says, "I love this place!"
If only she hadn't followed that with, "They have snacks!"

I think it is Jack Handey's fault that every 25- 35 year old thinks they should have a blog. . .